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advanced technology development中文是什么意思

用"advanced technology development"造句"advanced technology development"怎么读"advanced technology development" in a sentence


  • 高级技术发展


  • Working closely with gm / saic related depts , tracing advanced technology development and application progress
    与对口的gm / saic新技术应用部门保持经常性联系,追踪其新技术研发和应用计划。
  • Our direction and scope will continue to be the leader in the development and expansion of the pulp industry , paper manufacturing , printing , and advanced technology development
  • At the same time i corporation is funded professional technician since 1980 to carbide tool , die research , and to train a number of technology companies elite company focused on the entire staff of this industry , focus on advanced technology development and rigorous testing means
用"advanced technology development"造句  


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